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Can Hair be Transplanted into Scar

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

If you have scar tissue on your scalp – from an injury, a burn or even a previous hair transplant – you may be considering a hair transplant to help hide what you don’t like. However, like many of such patients, you are likely worried that your scar tissue prevents you from having a successful hair transplant procedure.

When researching the best hair transplant clinics near me you will unfortunately find that they do not have the comfort or expertise to deal with prior scars. The best hair transplant surgeons in NJ have experience successfully managing patients with previous scars with hair transplantation and PRP. However, extra care is required by the hair transplant surgeon and multiple procedures may be required to achieve good results because scarred areas have a reduced blood supply.

Corrective procedures require special attention: Hair grafts will grow in scar tissue, so it is perfectly possible to have a hair transplant performed over a scar.

However, because areas of scar tissue can have a reduced level of blood supply compared to normal areas of the scalp, graft placement is especially important for the hair specialist. Each follicle to grow must have enough blood supply and so within scar, the grafts should not be placed too close together, otherwise growth can be sub-optimal. Instead, the hair transplant surgeon in NJ will generally leave larger gaps than normal between grafts, and as these grow, new blood vessels will form in the area. The patient can then undergo further transplant procedures, adding extra grafts to achieve more density in these areas and a natural-looking final result.

With hair transplant NJ there is a successful record of performing corrective hair restoration procedures. If you are considering a hair transplant in New Jersey and are worried about existing scar tissue, let the best hair transplant surgeons in NJ help you by giving you one-to-one advice and a realistic expectation of results.

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